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    ich empfehle kolloidales Silber und den Kanal vom Cevat als info für alle Krankeiten und "C" Impfschäden

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    interessant der letzte Erfahrungs Beitag heut um 18:56Uhr in TG

    Hilft das dem TS und dem Mädel ?

    Da forschen Tausende an Methoden Menschen zu retten. Mit mehr oder weniger Erfolg. Du findest die einfachste aller Lösung. Gratulation.

    Ich empfehle : Nimm es selbst, hilft bestimmt auch bei Dachschaden.

    LG Alf

    Manche können nicht zwischen der Wiedergabe einer Nachricht (die die Wiedergabe einer Umfrage ist!) und dem Einstellen eines persönlichen Erfahrungsberichtes unterscheiden. Ein Leserbrief an den Rappler hilft da vielleicht mehr. Oder Leseverständnis.

    Da ist ja schon wieder der "Herr Manche" ... fühle mich aber dieses Mal nicht angesprochen.

    Vielleicht habe ich ja 2025 die Chance weitere Erfahrung als Tourist zu machen, also am NAIA. Aber ich bin keine Referenz. Ich kam in meinem Leben an Dutzenden Airports klar. Das hat 3 Gründe: ich kann a) lesen, b) denken und c) habe ich eine tiefe Schmerzgrenze.

    LG Alf


    In a study by business finance and lending research and information provider, NAIA ranked as the fourth worst airport in Asia for business travelers

    Ich war noch nie als Business Traveller auf egal welchem Airport in Asien.

    Den Artikel in Rappler habe ich auch nicht verfasst. Sollte dies nicht klar sein, dann sollte es es nun sein.

    Ich entschuldige mich hiermit formell für Rappler, sowie allen Beteiligten des Artikels, dass sie Deine Meinung nicht teilen wollen.

    Nur so am Rande, und damit es Dich beruhigst, ich komme ganz gut selbst, als Tourist, am NAIA klar.

    Naja, manche koennen ja kein gutes Jahr an NAIA finden weil sie selbst seit Jahren nicht mehr dort waren! Einfach mal mitdenken und dann copy & paste machen!

    Die "Manche" können schon lesen.

    Wenn Du Dir die Mühe gemacht hättest, Deinen eigenen Rat zu befolgen, hättest Du bemerkt, dass es in dem Artikel drum geht, um in Zukunft den Airport besser zu machen.

    Warum liest Du nur das was Dir in den Kram passt ? Um zu stänkern? Antworte lieber nicht.

    Übrigens, denken kann ich auch, nicht nur lesen.

    The Ninoy Aquino International Airport (NAIA) once again has the unwelcome distinction of being named among the worst airports in the world. But with the airport soon to be in the hands of San Miguel and the Incheon International Airport Corporation (IIAC), can NAIA finally become a world-class gateway?

    In a study by business finance and lending research and information provider, NAIA ranked as the fourth worst airport in Asia for business travelers, with an average rating of 2.78 over 10. Only Saudi Arabia’s King Abdulaziz International Airport (2.72/10), Kazakhstan’s Almaty International Airport (2.62/10), and Kuwait International Airport (1.69/10) ranked worse.

    The study used passenger reviews from aviation customer review site Skytrax. Ratings from reviewers tagged as “business travelers” were then averaged to produce a ranked list of airports around the world and specific regions.

    NAIA has garnered a long list of bad titles – from one of the “most stressful” airports in Asia to being downright the world’s worst airport. Despite being the country’s main international gateway, NAIA has suffered from underinvestment and mismanagement. The result: delayed flights, long lines, power outages, and even cash-gobbling security personnel.

    But there is hope. The Philippine airport’s much-needed rehab is finally happening. Behind it is a consortium that includes San Miguel and IIAC, the state-owned operator of South Korea’s main airport. IIAC has only a 10% ownership stake in the consortium, but it serves as its operations and maintenance partner.

    And as it happens, Incheon Airport ranks as the 20th best airport in the world for business travelers, according to the same study.

    So what can one of the worst airports learn from one of the best?

    A partner in Incheon

    To understand, let’s start with the South Korean airport’s beginnings.

    Plans for a new international airport for Korea date back to the late 1980s, after the existing Gimpo International Airport had reached capacity. Like NAIA, the Gimpo International Airport was right in the country’s capital region, Seoul. But this convenient location in the city also left little room for expansion and created noise pollution for nearby residential areas.

    When it became clear that South Korea needed another international airport, the government eventually settled on a site more than 50 kilometers away from Seoul’s center. Construction for Incheon International Airport began on November 1992 on reclaimed land.

    The airport opened for business in March 2001 with a passenger capacity of about 30 million per year, similar to NAIA’s current annual capacity. Since then, the IIAC has turned it into one of the world’s busiest and biggest airports, turning a profit of more than 860 billion South Korean won in pre-pandemic 2019 and now boasting an annual passenger capacity of 77 million.

    The key was continuous expansion and modernization. Since it opened in 2001, Incheon International Airport has undergone multiple construction phases, with each increasing the airport’s capacity. It’s currently wrapping up its fourth construction phase, which adds a fourth runway, expands the airport’s second terminal, and builds more car parking facilities.

    Incheon Airport also leans heavily on technology. For instance, it’s expanding its baggage transport system to a whopping 184 kilometers in length and intends to use a camera-based automatic tag reader to recognize and sort baggage. The airport also has a “Smart Pass,” which allows passengers to use their phones to scan their passport, biometrics, and boarding pass in advance, speeding up the immigration process.

    The Incheon International Airport Corporation is no stranger to foreign airport projects. The IIAC aided in the master plan of the Mactan-Cebu International Airport and served as a construction project management consultant for the Puerto Princesa Airport in Palawan. The IIAC is also the operator of the Kuwait International Airport’s Terminal 4 and the Hang Nadim International Airport in Indonesia.

    What improvements await NAIA?

    In contrast to the Incheon International Airport, NAIA has invested pitifully little in upgrading its facilities over the years. From 2010 to 2023, the Manila International Airport Authority (MIAA) allotted only a total capital outlay of P27.09 billion, or P2.08 billion per year. (READ: [Vantage Point] Underspending left NAIA to rot)

    In fact, the failure to upgrade NAIA’s facilities was partly behind the continuous power outages that have plagued the airport. Since the latest outage on June 9, 2023, MIAA has sworn to improve passenger boarding bridges, air conditioning, electrical works, and taxiways, among others.

    Now, how will San Miguel and IIAC go about the NAIA rehabilitation?

    Although NAIA’s new operator will be responsible for upgrading the airport’s runways, four terminals, and other facilities, the government did not outline exactly what structures or improvements need to be made. Rather, the consortium is expected to meet certain benchmarks and performance indicators, such as raising airport capacity from 35 million passengers a year to 62 million, and speeding up air traffic movements per hour from 40 to 48.

    “We have a performance indicator on availability of parking. So you should be able to find parking within X amount. When you enter the airport, you should line up within a certain amount. You go through immigration, you go through security; there’s also an amount of time that’s prescribed for that. When you’re arriving, there’s a prescribed amount of time when the first and last baggage from the plane to the conveyor should come up,” Transportation Undersecretary for Planning and Project Development TJ Batan explained in a press conference.

    There are many ways to meet these targets. For instance, the Manila International Airport Consortium – which made an unsuccessful unsolicited proposal to rehabilitate NAIA – bared a three-phased plan that aims to make operations more efficient, rather than adding more runways to the already-cramped airport area.

    The plan includes flexible self check-ins, automated boarding gates, dynamic wayfinding and flight info displays, upgrades to the airfield, cross-terminal transportation, renovations to the airport facade, the expansion of all four terminals, and the creation of more taxiways and waiting bays.

    Meanwhile, we aren’t too sure yet what San Miguel and IIAC’s plans are. There have been no specifics shared publicly, and the consortium has yet to hold a press conference.

    The question now is, can the Incheon International Airport Corporation bring the same technological and operational prowess that it showed in developing the South Korean airport to the Philippines’ ailing international gateway?…cheon-turn-things-around/

    Besides the looming wipeout of traditional jeepneys through the public utility vehicle modernization program, another form of transportation is wary of being stamped out through modernization.

    This time, it’s Manila’s illegal transport service, considered as among the world’s most dangerous commutes – the trolleys on Philippine National Railways (PNR).

    “Patay! Hindi ‘ata makakatapos ang anak ko (It’s doomed! My son won’t graduate now),” said Rodolfo “Sangkay” Maurillo, reacting when he heard about the PNR’s railroad improvement project through the construction of North-South Commuter Railways (NCSR).

    Tatay Sangkay, as his student passengers call him, is a 64-year-old trolley pusher who was among the pioneers of the bizarre transport method in their community in 1979.

    Walking on a tightrope

    There’s no holding back for Tatay Sangkay to walk on a tightrope every day, pushing his two-decade-old trolley, because it means food on the table. In his case, however, there’s no table to be served food as he lives in a very small shanty alone that he built beside the pile of lumber to be used for the new rails’ construction.

    Since he moved to Manila from Leyte around 1979, his family has lived in an informal settlement site in Santa Mesa. In 2007, however, a design company for condominiums demolished their houses and force-relocated their community to Bocaue, Bulacan. This is also the year when his wife gave birth to their only child.

    Tatay Sangkay found no opportunities for job openings or any livelihood in the relocation site, so he traveled back to Manila that same year to find a job. Having nowhere to live, the wooden trolley is what he considered his home. The cart has become both his bed and house for 16 years until building his small shelter last year.

    Passengers in those times, he said, were still looking for trolleys to ride, so he continued the illegal service even if his wife and infant were left in Bulacan.

    Being the oldest trolley pusher in the area, the loud horns of an approaching PNR train do not disconcert him anymore. By pushing the cart carrying, at most, eight people for a single trip, his perseverance to generate income and send money to his family every weekend is what keeps him strong in making ends meet.

    Passengers, he said, prefer a trolley ride to other transports to escape the traffic jams of Manila with less smoke and pollution while traveling.

    “Ako, masigasig ako kahit matanda na ako (I am still enthusiastic despite my age),” he said.

    Simply dangerous

    Before the COVID-19 pandemic, Tatay Sangkay was earning around P500 daily. For around P7 to P10 per head, he gave a ride to passengers for a whole day. But before he could earn this much, he had to risk his and his passengers’ lives by dangerously traversing the track where a PNR train shuttles.

    In times of pitfall when a train is heading in their direction, he swiftly lifts and carries the trolley to the other side of the track. But once, he and his passengers faced a terrifying moment when two trains approached them from both directions. In a split-second decision, they positioned themselves in the middle of the tracks, along with the trolley, as the trains, each traveling at around 40 kilometers per hour, passed by.

    Such precarious situations led the PNR management to ban their operations on the railways in 2019, said Tatay Sangkay. Trolley pushers then negotiated for the continuation of their presence on the tracks, for it being their lone means of living. He claimed they were allowed to return to the dangerous service but limited their operations to certain hours.

    For family’s sake

    Now, Tatay Sangkay and other trolley owners can only operate from 7 am to 8 am, and 4 pm onwards. The limited hours left a huge impact on their incomes because even if the fare has increased to P20 per passenger, he now earns only a maximum of P200 for a day or two.

    Seeing his son’s commitment to finish his studies keeps Tatay Sangkay moving forward. The 17-year-old, who is now in senior high school, is bent on pursuing a degree in information technology (IT).

    He said thinking about his child’s dedication motivates him on every trip, making him somewhat immune to challenges like heat, danger, and physical constraints while doing push-and-runs on the rail tracks.

    “Iniisip ko kasi ‘yung anak ko. ‘Yung anak ko kasi nangako siya sakin: ‘Pa, mag-aaral ako nang mabuti.’ […] Kailangan malakas pakiramdam mo dito. E ako, ingat na ingat din ako kasi sabi ng anak ko, ‘‘Pa, mag-ingat ka, ‘tutuloy ko pagaaral ‘ko.’ Sabi ko, ‘Sige kung ‘yan ang gusto mo.’ Kaya di ako sumusuko dito,” he said.

    (I think about my son because he promised me: ‘Pa, I’ll be good in my studies.’ You need to have a strong feeling here. I, myself, I’m always being careful here because my son said, ‘Pa, always watch yourself out, I will continue to study.’ I then replied, ‘I’m okay with that if that’s what you want.’ That’s why I never give up.)

    Worried for Tatay Sangkay

    Ellen Ayubit, 67, who was among the relocated families in 2007 with Tatay Sangkay, has been admiring his perseverance for years of pushing trolleys despite its dangers. Working hard to provide education to his son every day, she praised the trolley pusher for working despite his age instead of being a bystander.

    But Ayubit, who sees Tatay Sangkay as family, said she always worries when he comes back late from Pandacan to Santa Mesa, fearing that he might have an accident, especially when crossing the bridge over the Pasig River in Paco.

    For the construction of NSCR, an elevated, double-track, and electrified train system will be built directly on top of the existing tracks of PNR. The modernization means a total wipeout of the unofficial transport culture in the area, a livelihood that became the bread and butter of a community for almost half a century.

    Tatay Sangkay said he hopes that despite the ongoing construction at Alabang Station, his income from pushing trolleys will be enough to support his son’s college expenses and graduation. If trolley-pushing is banned, he said he would switch to pedicab driving, borrowing a sidecar to continue providing for his family.

    Rosary and faith

    “Nangangamba rin ako syempre kasi kahit papaano, ‘yung kita ko dito sa riles, sarili kasi eh. Wala akong bina-boundary-han. E nanghihinayang din ako. Ngayon, kung talagang gusto nila [gawin] ‘yung riles, patigilan na kami, wala kaming magagawa. Syempre gobyerno na ‘yun,” he said.

    “Kung talagang gusto nila [kami] mapaalis, tumulong sa isang taong kagaya ko, senior [citizen], mabigyan man lang ho ng kahit kaunting kabuhayan, okay na ako. Wala na akong kahilingan,” he added.

    (I still fear because at least, what I earn here on the rails is mine. I’m not paying through a boundary system. I feel sorry for its loss. Now, if the government persists in working the rails and banning us, we cannot do anything. They’re the government. If they really want to ban us and help senior citizens like me, a small livelihood will do. I’m okay with that. I have no other wishes.)

    When asked how he stays strong, he said praying before each trip gives him the strength to carry on. He also said he believes the rosary hanging on his trolley keeps him safe, along with his family’s trust in him and their faith in God.…t-railway-trolley-pusher/

    A Gift of Love and Hope

    Prepare to be moved by an extraordinary act of selflessness as a mother's love knows no bounds; she generously donates her kidney to her son. This incredible story showcases the power of compassion and the miracles that can be achieved through medical advancements.

    This medical breakthrough is interwoven with the heartfelt story of the Pineda family, whose journey epitomizes the resilience of the human spirit and the remarkable capabilities of modern medicine. At the heart of this tale is Joan Pineda, a mother propelled by an unwavering determination to save her 19-year-old son, Keith, from the clutches of a kidney ailment.

    In early 2022, the Pineda family discovered Keith's deteriorating health when he experienced a sudden progression of vision loss. As they delved into medical investigations, an unsettling reality unfolded – Keith was grappling with the same kidney condition that had tragically claimed the lives of his father and grandfather.

    Joan, fueled by a mother's love and an unyielding spirit, decided to navigate this challenging journey head-on. Leaving her job in Dubai, she undertook months of rigorous tests for Keith and her two other children. The shocking revelation that her other son shared the same condition intensified the urgency to find a solution and slow down the disease's progression.

    Joan's decision to be her son's kidney donor faced significant opposition, even from Keith and his grandmother. Despite warnings and concerns for her other children, she stood resolute, driven by the singular purpose of providing Keith with the best quality of life through the fastest means possible—a decision that ultimately led to the first robotic-assisted kidney transplant in the Philippines.

    *** continue reading online…lant-in-the-philippines-1

    The search for the next Miss Universe Philippines title holder is heating up as the organization released on Wednesday, February 21, the candidates’ official headshot pictures.

    Initially, 55 candidates were introduced by the Miss Universe Philippines (MUPH) organization as the candidates for their pageant’s 2024 edition.

    However, on Thursday, February 22, Natasha Jung, the delegate from Kananga announced her withdrawal from the competition.

    “As of the moment, I would like to prioritize my personal growth and commitments, and not further involve the organization on the matter,” she wrote in a social media post. Notably, Jung’s headshot photo wasn’t uploaded by the MUPH organization on Wednesday.

    Meanwhile, the 2024 competition is faring up to be an interesting edition as it marked several firsts in the pageant’s history. To note, this year’s delegates were chosen through the Accredited Partners Program, wherein only accredited partners approved by the MUPH organization selected the candidates from their respective localities through local pageants or appointments.

    Also for the first time, the 2024 roster also includes candidates representing overseas Filipino communities, such as Australia, northern and southern California, Florida, Hawaii, Miami, Sydney, the United Kingdom, Virginia, and Washington. The Miss Universe 2024 pageant will also be the first edition without age restrictions for the candidates. This comes after mothers and wives were welcomed into the competition starting 2023.

    As of writing, the organization has yet to announce additional details for its national pageant. Fifty-four candidates are competing in the hopes of succeeding Makati’s Michelle Dee, who finished in the Top 10 of the international edition.

    Familiar names among this year’s hopefuls are pageant veterans Victoria Velasquez Vincent (Miss Universe Philippines-Charity 2021), Kris Tiffany Janson (Miss Intercontinental 2014 2nd runner-up), Stacey Gabriel (Binibining Pilipinas 2022 2nd runner-up), Ahtisa Manalo (Miss International 2018 1st runner-up), and Christi McGarry (Miss Intercontinental 2015 1st runner-up).

    See the pictures online:…2024-delegates-headshots/

    The shift in policy on the West Philippine Sea (WPS) from Rodrigo Duterte’s appeasement to Ferdinand “Bongbong” Marcos Jr.’s assertiveness has raised fears, baseless or not, over the row’s impact on China’s investments in and trade with the Philippines.

    Here’s why.

    According to a report by the Research and Special Studies Division of the National Defense College of the Philippines (NDCP), “research focusing on the People’s Republic of China and its use of economic statecraft, including economic coercion, has started to emerge in recent years.”

    “With its increasing economic clout, being the second largest economy in the world, the world’s largest trading state, and the world’s largest holder of foreign currency reserves, it is therefore unsurprising that China is using its newfound economic power as leverage in dealing with other states,” it read.

    As cited in the article, Jonathan Kirshner, a professor of political science and international studies in the United States, explained that economic coercion, especially on trade, is highly likely. As the NDCP report said, the Philippines has experienced it already after the Panatag (Scarborough) Shoal standoff between the Philippine and Chinese navies in 2012.

    The report pointed out that China’s retaliation was to ban agricultural products, especially bananas, from the Philippines. Chinese citizens were discouraged, too, from visiting the Philippines because of “security concerns.”

    This also was the point made by Collin Koh, a senior fellow at the S. Rajaratnam School of International Studies in Singapore’s Nanyang Technological University, in a column published by ISEAS-Yusof Ishok Institute.

    “After all, the weaponization of trade and investments is not new to Beijing’s modern statecraft,” Koh said in the column.

    “As China remains a major trade partner of the Philippines, one could justifiably assume that Beijing might seek to tighten the economic pressure valve on Manila in retaliation,” Koh said.

    It was explained to by Herman Joseph Kraft, a professor of political science at the University of the Philippines Diliman, that “economic sanctions are serious actions taken by states against another.”

    “Usually it is taken when one party has crossed a line that is a serious threat to the interests of another,” Kraft said.

    However, Koh pointed out that so far, “there are no indications of coercive economic reprisals from China,” especially since the start of the Philippines’ strategy of publicizing China’s aggression in the South China Sea. This included non-lethal attacks, like aiming military-grade lasers, on Philippine Coast Guard vessels inside the Philippines’ exclusive economic zone.

    In 2023, the Chinese Embassy spokesperson said “China remains the Philippines’ largest trading partner, largest source of imports, largest export destination and third largest source of foreign investment under agreements.”

    This, he said, has effectively promoted post-pandemic recovery.

    Trading partner?

    Philippine Statistics Authority (PSA) data in 2023 showed that the Philippines was buying more goods than it was selling to China. Last year, China was the biggest source of imported goods with a value of $29.4 billion that peaked in November that year with $2.72 billion worth of Chinese goods being sold to the Philippines, or 25.1 percent of the Philippines’ total imports.

    PHOTO: Bar graph of import value and percent share to total imports STORY: WPS economic sanctions to hurt PH, but China even more

    Graphic by ED LUSTAN /

    Next to China were Indonesia ($11.694 billion), Japan ($10.165 billion), and the US ($8.35 billion).

    The problem, however, is that a good balance of trade is “one in which the value of domestic goods exported exceeds the value of foreign goods imported,” said Douglas Irwin, a professor of economics in the US, in an article published by Econlib.

    PHOTO: Chart of export value and percent share to total exports (2023) STORY: WPS economic sanctions to hurt PH, but China even more

    Graphic by ED LUSTAN /

    Taking a look at the balance of trade, the same PSA data showed that in 2023, exports — or Philippine-made goods being sold to China — were worth nearly $11 billion, or just half of what China is selling to the Philippines. March was the peak for exports to China with goods worth $1.4 billion or 21 percent of total Philippine exports that month. The US was the biggest export market with a value of $11.2 billion.

    Next to the US and China were Japan ($10.511 billion) and Hong Kong ($8.390 billion).

    As explained in the website, when there are too many imports coming into a country in relation to its exports—which are products shipped from that country to a foreign destination—it can distort a nation’s balance of trade and devalue its currency.

    Less investments

    Marcos said last year that when he met with Chinese President Xi Jinping at the Asia-Pacific Economic Conference summit, “essentially […] we were in agreement that the problems […] in the South China Sea should not be the defining element of our relationship.”

    One way economic interest in the Philippines is being measured is through foreign direct investments or FDIs.

    The Philippines’ Bangko Sentral ng Pilipinas explained that foreign direct investments “are an important source of external financing for developing countries,” stressing that “given its long-term nature, it provides a stable source of funding for host or receiving economies.”

    PHOTO: Chart showing approved China investments from 2016 to 2023 STORY: WPS economic sanctions to hurt PH, but China even more

    Graphic by ED LUSTAN /

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    Moien allerseits,

    Recht vielen Dank an alle, die diesen Thread besuchten, und auch kommentierten. Ich hoffe, es hat dem Leser etwas gebraucht und auch Spass bereitet.

    Das Wetter verbessert sich, es kommt die Wildlife-Periode, das Haus schreit nach Unterhalt. Nun gilt es draussen die Fauna mit der Kamera im Auge zu behalten.

    Konsequenterweise bin ich mehrheitlich draussen unterwegs, oder tätig, und habe weniger Zeit für die Geschichte durch Bilder von den Philippinen.

    Aber keine Angst, Ende des Jahres geht es in die nächste Runde, das Sammeln von Ideen geht weiter.

    Übrigens, ich hatte John Tewell angeschrieben, auch um ihn zu informieren, dass ich seine Bilder im PFD verwenden würde. Geantwortet hat er mir nicht. Der ist z.Z. mit Umzug auf den Phils beschäftigt (Nachbarschaftsprobleme). Auch seine Bank macht ihm Sorgen. Man rät ihm die Philippinen zu verlassen, auch wegen der Gesundheit. Der Gute ist um die 80.

    LG Alf

    Das Rathaus von Manila mit Glockenturm im Bau, 1930er.

    Das Rathaus von Manila ist der offizielle Regierungssitz der Stadt Manila und befindet sich im historischen Zentrum von Ermita, Manila. Hier hat der Bürgermeister von Manila sein Amt inne und die Kammern des Stadtrats von Manila befinden sich hier. Ursprünglich war es als Teil eines von Daniel Burnham im 20. Jahrhundert geplanten nationalen Regierungszentrums gedacht.

    Der Bau hatte auf allen Seiten einheitliche Fenster. Der Entwurf stammt von Antonio Toledo, dem gleichen Architekten, der auch das Finanzgebäude und das alte Legislativgebäude errichtete, die beide an das neue Rathaus angrenzten.

    Es wurde 1941 kurz vor dem Zweiten Weltkrieg fertiggestellt und war ein weiteres Opfer des Krieges. Es wurde durch die Bombardierung während der Schlacht und der anschließenden Befreiung von Manila im Februar 1945 schwer beschädigt.

    Mit Hilfe der US-Armee, der philippinischen Commonwealth-Armee und der Stadtverwaltung wurde das Rathaus rekonstruiert, jedoch nicht den ursprünglichen Plänen nach.

    As lawmakers investigate the scandal involving two allegedly smuggled Bugatti Chiron sports cars, one pressing question emerges: What is the real cost of importing luxury cars into the Philippines?

    The Bugatti Chiron is one of the most expensive cars in the market worldwide, pegged at around $3 million or, according to estimates by the Bureau of Customs (BOC), around P165 million per car.

    Aside from its very hefty price tag, exclusivity, and limited production, the luxury car is only available to a selected few in the Philippines since it is not yet readily available for sale in the country through official channels.

    For those who can afford it, luxury cars that are yet to be officially sold in the country, such as the Bugatti Chiron, can be legally bought and imported through authorized importers or companies that are permitted by car manufacturers to sell their cars.

    According to the BOC, imported motor vehicles — whether brand new or used — are subject to payment of Customs duties, taxes, and other charges.

    However, outright smuggling of luxury items, such as cars, continued to persist in the country.

    The hunt continues

    The BOC is currently on the hunt for the second of the two Bugatti Chirons that went viral on social media after they were seen speeding along the streets of Metro Manila and Cavite province.

    Last February 9, Tru Thrang Nguyen, the alleged owner of one of two high-end sports cars, surrendered a red 2023 Bugatti Chiron bearing the license plate NIM-5450 to the Customs Intelligence and Investigation Service (BOC-CIIS) at the Manila International Container Port. It had been parked in a residence in Ayala Alabang, Muntinlupa.

    The other vehicle, a blue 2023 Bugatti Chiron with the license plate NIM-5448, is still out there and has yet to be surrendered by its purported owner, whom the BOC identified as Menguin Zhu.

    The nationalities of the Bugatti owners have not been determined.

    **** reading more online

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    und am Abreisetag von dort nach Cebu/Manila fliegen können für den Internationalen Flug

    ..... und sowas würde ich schon mal garnicht tun !

    MissMini ,

    Ergänzend zu heiraps Message:

    • Alle Inlandsflüge werden mit LCCs (Low cost carrier) gemacht. Da ist keiner wesentlich besser als der andere.
    • Flüge werden je nach "Gottweisswas" annuliert, und es kann Dir passieren, dass Du irgendwo hängen bleibst. Mir ist es mal mit CP passiert, dass ich erst den 3 Flug wirklich bekommen habe. Bei mir kein Problem, sowas erwarte ich nun mal.
    • Daher sollte man genug Zeit einplanen, besonders dann, wenn ein Rückflug nach D ansteht, also mindestens einen Tag vorher vorort sein.
    • Flüge nach Manila werden oft verspätet sein, dies hängt wiederum mit der Tageszeit zusammen. Je älter der Tag umso wahrscheinlicher die Verspätung in Manila. Selbst wenn ein Flug nur 1 Stunde dauert, es kann sein, dass Du vor dem Start lange in der Blechbüchse sitzt, der aber keine Landeerlaubnis in Manila bekommt. Oder es gibt Endlosschleifen in der Luft in Manila vor die Landung.

    Reisen auf den Philippinen kostet oft auch Urlaubstage, die man so nicht einplant.

    LG Alf

    Wollt ihr eine Hochzeitsreise oder seit ihr auf der Flucht?

    Jeder der die Phils zum ersten Mal besucht will so viel wie möglich erleben. Und man wendet die gleichen Regeln wie hier an. Das geht leider nicht. Das versteht man aber nur, wenn man die Philippinen mal erlebt hat.

    Wie alle schon geschrieben haben, weniger ist mehr, sonst endigt das schnell in etwas Unkontrollierbarem (Transportwege, Zuverlässigkeit von Fahrplänen, etc...) .

    MissMini , höre auf die erfahrenen Hasen oben. Pack nicht zu viel in den Fahrplan rein, es endigt sonst im Stress. Das ist das Letzte, was man auf der Hochzeitsreise braucht.

    LG Alf

    Das Grand Boulevard Hotel (früher Silahis Hotel), die Geschichte.

    Es war mein erster Aufschlag in Manila, damals noch als Silahis Hotel in vollster Blüte.

    Jeder, der jemals über den Roxas Boulevard gegangen ist, muss dieses riesige Gebäude im Stadtteil Malate in Manila gesehen haben.

    Es trägt immer noch das Schild des Grand Boulevard Hotels, aber diejenigen, die ein gewisses Alter haben, erinnern sich daran als Silahis Hotel.

    Das Gebäude steht seit Jahren leer, weshalb sich viele fragen, warum es noch nicht abgerissen wurde, damit der Bereich für etwas Produktiveres und Ästhetischeres genutzt werden könnte. Die kurze Antwort lautet: Das Eigentum ist seit Jahren Gegenstand von Rechtsstreitigkeiten.

    Hier die Geschichte des Hotels:…ZGWxIwbd5X6K0pinRmIXHx9W8

    Money sent home by Filipinos abroad hit a record-high in 2023, thanks to a stronger peso that bloated the value of remittances which, in turn, helped households stay afloat amid stubbornly high inflation last year.

    Cash remittances coursed through banks amounted to $33.5 billion, up an annualized rate of 2.9 percent, the Bangko Sentral ng Pilipinas (BSP) reported on Thursday.

    The 2023 inflows were the highest on record or since the BSP started tracking cash remittances in 1970. At the same time, last year’s remittance growth was consistent with the central bank’s projection of a 3-percent expansion for 2023, albeit slower than the 3.6-percent uptick in 2022.

    In December 2023 alone, cash remittances grew 3.8 percent to $3.3 billion, the fastest growth in a year amid the seasonal spike during the Christmas shopping season.

    Peso appreciation

    Nicholas Mapa, senior economist at ING Bank in Manila, said the peso’s strength against the US dollar propped up the value of money sent home by Filipino migrants, who are also likely enjoying better job prospects in their host countries as the global economy recovered from the pandemic’s onslaught.

    “Remittance flows continue to grow at a very robust and consistent, roughly 3-percent pace, helped along by the steady deployment of workers and sustained expansion of host countries,” Mapa said.

    “The slight pickup in dollar remittances may be tied to exchange rate nuances with the dollar fetching less pesos late last year,” he added.

    Read more:…record-high#ixzz8RseQUslV

    The consortium led by San Miguel Corp. (SMC) won the bidding for the P170.6 billion Ninoy Aquino International Airport (Naia) rehabilitation project, Transport Secretary Jaime Bautista announced Friday.

    “Today, we are pleased to announce that we will award this project to the winning bidder, the SMC-SAP group,” Bautista said in a press briefing.

    The SMC SAP & Co. Consortium was the front-runner in the race for the highly coveted project as it proposed a revenue share with the government of 82.16 percent – more than double that offered by its two competitors.

    Transportation Undersecretary Timothy John Batan pointed out that the entire project development process for this Public-Private Partnership (PPP) only took about 12 months.


    Read more:…ion-project#ixzz8RsctEOEc