Ausweisung aus den Philippinen

  • In den Philippinen kann man sehr schnell ausgewiesen werden und das mit oft fadenscheinigen Gründen, die aber rechtlich legal sind.

    Eine sehr gute Zusammenfassung über die verschiedenen Gründe der Ausweisung

    Filipinos can push to deport foreign exes based on immigration violations

    Can Filipinos initiate the deportation of their estranged foreigner partners or spouses? They can be a private complainant, but the grounds must be based on immigration rules and not on any other reasons that arose from a bad breakup. The grounds for deportation under Philippine immigration laws, as listed in Immigration Memorandum Circular No. SBM-2015-010 are as follows:

    • Overstaying
    • Undocumented
    • Fugitive from justice
    • Has fully served the sentence in a crime, which carries the penalty of deportation after service of sentence
    • Has fully served the sentence in the crimes mentioned in sections 37(a)(3) and 37(a)(10) of the Philippine Immigration Act

    If the Filipino and the foreigner were married, but the marriage failed, that could be used as pretext for an immigration violation, immigration spokesperson Dana Sandoval told Rappler.

    Because foreigners acquire permanent residence visa by virtue of marriage to a Filipino, once separated, the visa loses its grounds.

    It can be a ground for deportation ‘pag wala na ‘yong reason for the visa. So, wala na ‘yong marriage, magkahiwalay na sila,” Sandoval said. (It can be a ground for deportation if the reason for the visa no longer exists. So, no more marriage, and they’re already separated.)

    Sandoval said it’s not really uncommon to see deportation cases stemming from failed marriages because they encounter them in Immigration every now and then.

    So ‘pag nagkakaroon sila ng hindi na nag-work out [na] marriage and they choose to sever ties with the spouse, ‘yon ‘yong nagiging reason for us to cancel the visa and initiate an immigration charge against the foreign national,” the immigration spokesperson explained to Rappler.

    BI’s Operations Order No. SBM-2015-025, passed by former justice secretary Leila de Lima during the Benigno Aquino III government, prohibits “foreign tourists from engaging in any political activity as defined by law and jurisprudence, such as but not limited to, joining, supporting, contributing or involving themselves in whatever manner in any rally, assembly or gathering, whether for or against the government.”

    I am multi-talented!

    I can talk and p.iss people off at the same time!

    A pessimist is a man who thinks all women are bad.

    An optimist is a man who hopes they are.

    My mouth is not a bakery, I don't sugarcoat anything!

    If you ask my opinion,
    I am going to tell you the truth,
    Not that what you'd like to hear!

    Ein erfahrener Pilot ist,

    wer seine Erfahrung benutzt,

    um Situationen zu vermeiden,

    die seine Erfahrung erfordern!
