Biggest fears for 2020

  • Over the holidays, we published several stories which you may have missed when you took a breather from the internet and social media. But before we go into those, in case you missed my newsletter last week, you can still read it here: Time for change.

    New beginnings are always exciting, but it’s quite natural to also approach them with some trepidation. We worry, we fear the uncertainty and unpredictability of something we are not totally in control of. We expect the worst and sometimes allow our imagined fears to get the better of us, precisely because we don’t relish surprises that show how unprepared we are for the unexpected.

    What are some of the biggest fears for 2020 in relation to the Philippines, given what we know now? Here are some recent ones on my list:

    1. Chinese espionage
    2. More women participation in jihad
    3. Further marginalization of farmers
    4. Duterte’s health…248698-biggest-fears-2020

    - Habe stets Respekt vor dir selbst, Respekt vor anderen und übernimm Verantwortung für deine Taten. - Dalai Lama

    - Meine Philippinenbilder