UK, Ireland, Germany

  • Dear Cachacas,

    Thank you very much for these helpful 2 websites! =)
    Now we wl find out which kind of visa he could get. I'm a bit afraid that he can not reach enought points for a Tier 2 Visa but we will see...
    Do U know about how much maintenance (funds) is needed for that Tier 2 Visa? And if the employer would take charge of the visa processing and pay the flight ticket he would be accepted as a sponsor?

    I'm happy that now I am in the know of all these complex matter slowly :rolleyes:

  • Hello Boxi,


    Original von Boxi
    Do U know about how much maintenance (funds) is needed for that Tier 2 Visa?


    You must be able to demonstrate that you have funds to support yourself and any dependants. For the main applicant this is £800 and you will need a further £533 for each dependant accompanying you. These can either be your own funds, or your A-rated sponsor can certify that he/she will be responsible for your maintenance and also for your dependants. If you are using your own funds the money must be held in your personal bank account for a minimum period of 3 months for which you must show bank statements/other evidence immediately preceding and dated no more than 1 month prior to the date you submit your application. The balance should not fall below the required minimum at any time during the 3 month period. If your sponsor is certifying your maintenance, you must provide written evidence of this for both yourself and your dependants.

    Points Based System Tier 2 (Skilled Worker)


    Original von Boxi
    And if the employer would take charge of the visa processing and pay the flight ticket he would be accepted as a sponsor?

    They usually do that (especially IT companies) but they do have very high qualifications and expectations. This will really depend on the market sector and the qualifications of your boyfriend.


    "This nation can be great again." - F.E. Marcos

  • Zitat

    Original von franky_23
    Welche aktuellen Informationen hast Du bisher über ein work permit etc in UK gesammelt?

    Ich hab grad gesehen dass im Juli 2009 nur Ingenieure, Krankenschwestern etc. in Englad gesucht werden. Jedenfalls nichts, was in Frage kommt. Aber das ändert sich wahrscheinlich auch (hoffentlich). Aber wie Cachacas geschrieben hat braucht man erst einmal NE Menge Kohle, die wir nicht haben.... ;( Damit erübrigt sich eigentlich alles übrige, es sei denn Arbeitgeber/ Recruiting Agency "bürgen" für ihn.
    Momentan bewirbt er sich in verschiedenen Ländern, z.B. auch Finnland. Hat da jemand zufällig Erfahrung?
    ....So leicht geben wir trotzdem nicht auf!....

  • Hallo Boxi,


    Original von Boxi
    es sei denn Arbeitgeber/ Recruiting Agency "bürgen" für ihn.

    Die Arbeitgeber "bürgen" nur, wenn der Bewerber qualifiziert ist. Also braucht man mindestens einen Uni-Abschluss mit ein paar Jahren Berufserfahrung. Sie machen sonst keine Umstände (sind ja schliesslich Geschäftsleute).

    Desweiteren "importieren" sie Arbeitskräfte nur, wenn die Stelle nicht lokal besetzt werden kann (entweder durch mangelnde Qualifikationen oder Angebote der Arbeitnehmer).

    Viel Glück,

    "This nation can be great again." - F.E. Marcos

  • Zitat

    Die Arbeitgeber "bürgen" nur, wenn der Bewerber qualifiziert ist. Also braucht man mindestens einen Uni-Abschluss mit ein paar Jahren Berufserfahrung. Sie machen sonst keine Umstände (sind ja schliesslich Geschäftsleute).

    Also er hat Collage Abschluss als Englisch- und Musiklehrer und ein paar Jahre Berufserfahrung als Sekretaer, auch mit Grafik, Layout. Inwieweit wird ein philippinischer Abschluss in Europa anerkannt?

    Danke Dir!

  • Zitat

    Original von Boxi

    Klar koennt ihr auch in Deutsch schreiben. Ich habe es nur in Englisch reingeschrieben damit auch Leute antworen koennen die kein Deutsch koennen.
    I posted this thread in english so that people can response who can't speak german but also the other way, you can write in german of course.


    If your boyfriend is in the medical profession (like Nurse and the like) it would be easier for him to enter the UK. Even if you knock on the wood still the chances for any other positions offered by UK government to foreigners which basically limited to highly qualified Professionals such as Engineers, Architechts would be minimal. Since you are not a british national you could not in any way sponsor him for a tourist visa as well which normally has a duration of 6 months on a multiple entry basis. Unless he can afford to support his stay in the UK without resorting to claiming public funds could it be granted. The approval of the visa lies upon his economic background in the Philippines. The other option in the offing which offers a greater chance of acquiring a visa would be studying in the UK, the British Council in Manila would post every now and then programs for exchange scholarship for highly qualified student for masters degree, which would also undergo a not-so-lenient series of interviews to come UP with short-listed candidates, which i doubt your boyfriend could not comply the requirement at all or if so, he will be facing a tough competiton amongst graduates from the top Universities in the Philippines. So like the filipinos said, No guts, no glory. Indeed, no harm in trying.


    Erotik ist die Überwindung von Hindernissen. Das verlockendste und populärste Hindernis ist die Moral.
    Etwas Grips und etwas Herz - das sollte schon sein....