Diebstahl während Xray screening in NAIA Airport

  • A Thai tourist went through a security check at Manila airport and complained that someone stole money from his stuff that was scanned at the xray. The video taken by a fellow Thai national (who started filming when the complaining began) showed that the alleged thief put the stolen money into an accomplice's pocket.

    The tourist asked for CCTV footage to prove that theft happened but got told they dont have CCTV. The fellow Thai told the victim he had a video and when the alleged thief found out, they took them to the back and gave them the money and asked for the video to be deleted.

    The employees got fired and the authorities asked the victim to press charges to make an example out of the criminals.

    Video: https://www.facebook.com/watch/?v=927692038249107 :Kotz

    Tauhan sa NAIA, huli sa aktong nagnakaw ng pera mula sa isang turista


  • Ich muss sagen, dass das neue Management den NAIA nicht im Griff hat!

    2 NAIA workers axed for stealing from Thai tourist

    Das war der Vorfall der oben berichtet wurde und hier in neuer Zwischenfall:

    NAIA screener arrested for stealing traveler’s watch

    Anscheinend haben die OTS Leute z.Zt. wieder einmal eine neue Masche um an Geld zu kommen und das nachdem man den TSA Audit bestanden hat!

    PH-OTS, US-TSA conduct joint assessment of NAIA Terminals

    Mal sehen ob ich den TSA Bericht irgendwo finde.

    I am multi-talented!

    I can talk and p.iss people off at the same time!

    A pessimist is a man who thinks all women are bad.

    An optimist is a man who hopes they are.

    My mouth is not a bakery, I don't sugarcoat anything!

    If you ask my opinion,
    I am going to tell you the truth,
    Not that what you'd like to hear!

    Ein erfahrener Pilot ist,

    wer seine Erfahrung benutzt,

    um Situationen zu vermeiden,

    die seine Erfahrung erfordern!
