Guide zum Verlassen der Philippinen fuer phil. Staatsangehörige - gültig ab September 2023

  • Anscheinend hat dino keine Lust zu antworten.

    Ne, weil zu viele Informationen fehlen! Wann wie, wo was etc.!

    I am multi-talented!

    I can talk and p.iss people off at the same time!

    A pessimist is a man who thinks all women are bad.

    An optimist is a man who hopes they are.

    My mouth is not a bakery, I don't sugarcoat anything!

    If you ask my opinion,
    I am going to tell you the truth,
    Not that what you'd like to hear!

    Ein erfahrener Pilot ist,

    wer seine Erfahrung benutzt,

    um Situationen zu vermeiden,

    die seine Erfahrung erfordern!


  • Wann: Ausserhalb der Schulferien, in diesem Fall September.

    Wie: Mit dem Flugzeug.

    Wo: Von Cebu City aus in ein visa freies Land. Welches, kann ich jetzt noch nicht sagen.

    Was: Urlaub, Sightseeing. Mutter und Sohn.

    Für etc bitte Rückmeldung.

  • Wann: Ausserhalb der Schulferien, in diesem Fall September.

    Wie: Mit dem Flugzeug.

    Wo: Von Cebu City aus in ein visa freies Land. Welches, kann ich jetzt noch nicht sagen.

    Was: Urlaub, Sightseeing. Mutter und Sohn.

    Für etc bitte Rückmeldung.

    Da - wie üblich auf den Philippinen - sich die Regeln über Nacht ändern können, schlage ich von nochmals Ende August nachzufragen.

    I am multi-talented!

    I can talk and p.iss people off at the same time!

    A pessimist is a man who thinks all women are bad.

    An optimist is a man who hopes they are.

    My mouth is not a bakery, I don't sugarcoat anything!

    If you ask my opinion,
    I am going to tell you the truth,
    Not that what you'd like to hear!

    Ein erfahrener Pilot ist,

    wer seine Erfahrung benutzt,

    um Situationen zu vermeiden,

    die seine Erfahrung erfordern!


  • Certainly! When preparing to leave the Philippines as a Filipino national, ensuring your Globe SIM registration is up-to-date is crucial for seamless communication while abroad. Here's how you can align Globe SIM registration with your departure preparations:

    1. Maintain Communication: Before departing, verify that your Globe SIM is registered under your name and updated with current contact details. This ensures uninterrupted communication with loved ones while you're away.
    2. International Roaming: If you plan to use your Globe SIM abroad, check if international roaming services are activated. This facilitates staying connected through calls, texts, and data usage without disruptions.
    3. Travel Notifications: Inform Globe about your travel plans, especially if you'll be in a different country for an extended period. This helps prevent any unexpected service interruptions and ensures Globe can assist you efficiently if needed.
    4. Emergency Assistance: Save Globe's customer service numbers in your contacts for immediate assistance in case of emergencies or any issues with your SIM card while traveling.
    5. Data Protection: Safeguard your SIM card information and personal data by ensuring your Globe SIM registration is compliant with local regulations. This protects your privacy and prevents any unauthorized usage of your SIM card.

    By integrating Globe SIM registration into your departure checklist, you can enhance your travel experience by staying connected effortlessly and securely while abroad.