Offizielle Sex Offenders dürfen nicht mehr in den Philippinen einreisen

  • Anscheinend nimmt man bei der Immigration die Dinge sehr ernst und scheint im Austausch mit anderen Ländern zu sein um Sex Offenders nicht mehr einreisen zu lassen.

    Hier die neueste Veröffentlichung vom BID

    12 September 2023


    DAVAO, Philippines — A total of five registered sex offenders (RSOs) were barred by Philippine immigration from entering the country.

    Bureau of Immigration (BI) Commissioner Norman Tansingco expressed his concern on the interception of the five RSOs in different ports of the Philippines in the span of a week.

    Barred last August 30 at the Davao International Airport (DIA) was American national Neil David Laursen, 55, who arrived from Singapore on board a Singapore airlines flight.

    The following day, officers at the Mactan Cebu International Airport (MCIA) denied the entry of British national Antonio Stephen Albert Costa, 58. Costa flew to the country using an Emirates flight from Dubai.

    Last September 1, another American identified as Benancio Vasquez, 57, was also stopped at the MCIA after arriving from Incheon, South Korea on board a Korean Airlines flight.

    On September 4, Troy Delbert Houk, also an American flying in from South Korea, was stopped by immigration authorities after his disembarkation from an Asiana Airlines flight.

    Lastly, on September 5, American national Kevin Crispe was intercepted after arriving from Taipei on board a China Southern Flight.

    All five aliens were found to be registered sex offenders in their respective countries. A registered sex offender is a person who has been convicted of sex crimes, who are required to register following their country or state’s laws.

    Tansingco expressed his concern on the possible resurgence of sex tourism after the reopening of the country’s borders.

    “With the return of tourism also comes the return of aliens who will try to abuse our hospitality,” said Tansingco. “We warn these predators not to attempt to enter the country, as we have close coordination with different governments, who provide us information about sex offenders that might attempt to enter the Philippines,” he added.

    Under the Philippine Immigration Act of 1940, those who have been convicted of a crime involving moral turpitude, which includes sex offenders, are ineligible from entering the country.

    I am multi-talented!

    I can talk and p.iss people off at the same time!

    A pessimist is a man who thinks all women are bad.

    An optimist is a man who hopes they are.

    My mouth is not a bakery, I don't sugarcoat anything!

    If you ask my opinion,
    I am going to tell you the truth,
    Not that what you'd like to hear!

    Ein erfahrener Pilot ist,

    wer seine Erfahrung benutzt,

    um Situationen zu vermeiden,

    die seine Erfahrung erfordern!


  • Da sollten sich auch so manche DACHler davor hüten denn die Philippinen haben Zugriff auf die Datenbanken anderer Laender, der Sexoffenders

    Ausserdem wer es noch nicht weiss:

    Tansingco said the Philippine Immigration Act strictly prohibits the entry into the Philippines of foreigners convicted of crimes involving moral turpitude, as they are likely to commit the same offense if they are allowed to enter the country.

    Da gibt es ja such Einige davon aus DACH, die sich hier noch "verstecken"!


    30 September 2023


    PASAY, Philippines — Bureau of Immigration (BI) officers at the Ninoy Aquino International Airport (NAIA) barred from entering the country, Thursday night, a Chinese national previously convicted of sex crimes in the United States (US).

    Immigration Commissioner Norman Tansingco identified the excluded passenger as 26-year-old Kang Gong, who was intercepted at the NAIA Terminal 3 upon his arrival via a Cathay Pacific flight from Hongkong.

    Tansingco said the Philippine Immigration Act strictly prohibits the entry into the Philippines of foreigners convicted of crimes involving moral turpitude, as they are likely to commit the same offense if they are allowed to enter the country.

    “He was thus excluded and booked on the first available flight to his port of origin,” the BI Chief said, adding that Gong’s interception became possible after his name registered a hit in the Interpol’s database of convicted alien criminals.

    Information obtained from the Interpol’s National Central Bureau (NCB) in Manila disclosed that Gong was deported to China from the US on October 22, 2021.

    He was expelled by the US government nearly seven months after a circuit court in Michigan convicted him on three counts of child sexual abuse, and using computers in distributing and promoting sex pornography.

    Gong allegedly committed the crime from April to July 2000 when he received more than a hundred pornographic materials of sexually abused children and distributed them to the public.

    “We cannot allow this undesirable alien to enter our country, lest our Filipino children become his next victims,” Tansingco said.

    Gong’s name was included in the Bureau’s blacklist of unwanted aliens.

    I am multi-talented!

    I can talk and p.iss people off at the same time!

    A pessimist is a man who thinks all women are bad.

    An optimist is a man who hopes they are.

    My mouth is not a bakery, I don't sugarcoat anything!

    If you ask my opinion,
    I am going to tell you the truth,
    Not that what you'd like to hear!

    Ein erfahrener Pilot ist,

    wer seine Erfahrung benutzt,

    um Situationen zu vermeiden,

    die seine Erfahrung erfordern!


  • Da sollten sich auch so manche DACHler davor hüten denn die Philippinen haben Zugriff auf die Datenbanken anderer Laender, der Sexoffenders

    Da gibt es nur ein kleines Problemchen:

    In Deutschland z.B. gibt es so eine Datenbank nicht.

  • Da sollten sich auch so manche DACHler davor hüten denn die Philippinen haben Zugriff auf die Datenbanken anderer Laender, der Sexoffenders

    Da gibt es nur ein kleines Problemchen:

    In Deutschland z.B. gibt es so eine Datenbank nicht.

    Wieso? hat die katholische Kirche kein Verzeichnis ihrer Pfarrer? - Ironie aus.

  • Anscheinend nimmt man bei der Immigration die Dinge sehr ernst und scheint im Austausch mit anderen Ländern zu sein um Sex Offenders nicht mehr einreisen zu lassen.


    Under the Philippine Immigration Act of 1940, those who have been convicted of a crime involving moral turpitude, which includes sex offenders, are ineligible from entering the country.

    Ja, meinetwegen sollen die Philippinen keine verurteilten Sexualstraftäter mehr ins Land lassen, das ist in Ordnung.

    Allerdings, nur weil das BID etwas beschließt bekommen sie noch lange nicht automatisch Zugriff auf derartige Datenbanken anderer Länder. Ich nehme an, dass es sich bei den genannten Fällen um einzelnen Austausch von Informationen handelt, was ebenfalls völlig in Ordnung ist.

    Sollten die Philippinen tatsächlich Zugriff auf solche Datenbanken bekommen, habe ich massive Bedenken, dass künftig zahlreiche Reisende mit irgendwelchen Allerweltsnamen aufgrund von Verwechslungen unschuldig Probleme bekommen. Und das fände ich nicht in Ordnung.

    Immigration Commissioner Norman Tansingco identified the excluded passenger as 26-year-old Kang Gong, who was intercepted at the NAIA Terminal 3 upon his arrival via a Cathay Pacific flight from Hongkong.


    Gong allegedly committed the crime from April to July 2000 when he received more than a hundred pornographic materials of sexually abused children and distributed them to the public.

    Je, genau so stelle ich mir den Datenaustausch vor, dass hart gegen jene vorgegangen wird, die im Alter von 3 Jahren Pornos anfertigen und veröffentlichen. :Augenbraue

  • Sollten die Philippinen tatsächlich Zugriff auf solche Datenbanken bekommen, habe ich massive Bedenken, dass künftig zahlreiche Reisende mit irgendwelchen Allerweltsnamen aufgrund von Verwechslungen unschuldig Probleme bekommen. Und das fände ich nicht in Ordnung.

    Damit ist sicherlich zu rechnen, weiss man doch wie gewissenhaft und akkurat hier gearbeitet wird

    Letzte Woche wurde noch PhilHealth gehackt, 65 Mill Datensatze für 300k USD angeboten....(hab allerdings in der Presse nichts gefunden)

    Je, genau so stelle ich mir den Datenaustausch vor, dass hart gegen jene vorgegangen wird, die im Alter von 3 Jahren Pornos anfertigen und veröffentlichen. :Augenbraue

    Dieser Norman T. hat sicherlich keine abgeschlossene Schul- und/oder Berufsausbildung, aber das gibt es ja öfter hier :tease

  • Na ja... da wird bei den meisten deutschen Kinderschändern, die hier leben, auch keine Liste helfen, da die meisten sicher nie auf einer solchen gestanden haben dürften, selbst wenn es eine solche Liste gegeben hätte...:Kotz

    Deutscher "Auswanderer", der mit Anfang 50 seinen gut dotierten Job als Abteilungsleiter bei der Deutschen Bank :ironieim gegenseitigen Einvernehmen:ironie aufgegeben hat, um fortan auf der Insel Sibuyan zu leben, heiratet kurz nach der Ankunft die damals gerade sechzehnjährige Tochter eines der drei Inselbürgermeister.

    Soweit zu den mir bekannten Fakten...

    Als ich dann zusehen musste, wie der inzwischen 73jährige meine zufällig anwesende kleine 14-jährige Nichte (zugegeben bildhübsch) mit Sabberblicken vor meinen Augen fast ausgezogen hätte, während er sich mit mir übers "Geschäftliche" unterhielt, wurden die Vermutungen aus den Indizien für mich zur Gewissheit.

    Leider hat dieser auf den ersten Blick harmlos wirkende alte "Mann" die gesamte Politik und die Inselpolizei "im Sack" was mir erst zu spät klar wurde, als ich ihm drohte, ihm die Eier abzuschneiden, wenn er sich meiner Nichte auch nur nähern würde.

    In der nächsten Woche wurde ich beim Mittagessen in meinem Strandhaus von einem riesigen Polizeiaufgebot ( zum Teil mit Maschinenpistolen bewaffnete und vermummte Zivilisten) vor meiner Familie verhaftet, in Handschellen abgeführt und auf's Revier verbracht, wo mir die Polizeichefin dann plötzlich wortreich erklärte, daß es sich offensichtlich um einen Irrtum gehandelt hätte... und mich - nachdem ich eine Verzichtserklärung unterzeichnet hatte - einfach wieder nach Hause fuhr.

    Ich habe die Insel gleich mit der nächsten Fähre und meiner gesamten Familie verlassen...

    Leider entspricht es nicht meiner Art, ihm "zwei Männer auf dem Motorrad" vorbeizuschicken, auch wenn er es sicher verdient hätte...

  • Und wieder hat es einen Amerikaner erwischt:

    American convicted of sex crimes barred from entry to PH — BI

    Und er steht in der Liste der Missouri Sex Offender

    I am multi-talented!

    I can talk and p.iss people off at the same time!

    A pessimist is a man who thinks all women are bad.

    An optimist is a man who hopes they are.

    My mouth is not a bakery, I don't sugarcoat anything!

    If you ask my opinion,
    I am going to tell you the truth,
    Not that what you'd like to hear!

    Ein erfahrener Pilot ist,

    wer seine Erfahrung benutzt,

    um Situationen zu vermeiden,

    die seine Erfahrung erfordern!


  • Hier hat ein Aussie 10 Jahre bekommen weil er mit ein paar Damen nach Singapore fliegen wollte

    Australian mining exec stopped at Philippines airport with seven women gets life sentence

    I am multi-talented!

    I can talk and p.iss people off at the same time!

    A pessimist is a man who thinks all women are bad.

    An optimist is a man who hopes they are.

    My mouth is not a bakery, I don't sugarcoat anything!

    If you ask my opinion,
    I am going to tell you the truth,
    Not that what you'd like to hear!

    Ein erfahrener Pilot ist,

    wer seine Erfahrung benutzt,

    um Situationen zu vermeiden,

    die seine Erfahrung erfordern!


  • Der Verurteilte sucht schon sein Jahren nach Spenden

    Dont Forget Me

    I am multi-talented!

    I can talk and p.iss people off at the same time!

    A pessimist is a man who thinks all women are bad.

    An optimist is a man who hopes they are.

    My mouth is not a bakery, I don't sugarcoat anything!

    If you ask my opinion,
    I am going to tell you the truth,
    Not that what you'd like to hear!

    Ein erfahrener Pilot ist,

    wer seine Erfahrung benutzt,

    um Situationen zu vermeiden,

    die seine Erfahrung erfordern!


  • Und diesmal hat es einen Vlogger erwischt am Flughafen!

    Two Pinays rescued from vlogger’s illegal recruitment


    The Inter-agency Council Against Trafficking alleged that the vlogger told the woman she would be given a job as a household worker or a call center agent if she “gets through immigration” and arrives in Sri Lanka.

    The woman paid the recruiter P62,000 for an affidavit of support, delivery or processing fee, tour package and airline ticket.

    I am multi-talented!

    I can talk and p.iss people off at the same time!

    A pessimist is a man who thinks all women are bad.

    An optimist is a man who hopes they are.

    My mouth is not a bakery, I don't sugarcoat anything!

    If you ask my opinion,
    I am going to tell you the truth,
    Not that what you'd like to hear!

    Ein erfahrener Pilot ist,

    wer seine Erfahrung benutzt,

    um Situationen zu vermeiden,

    die seine Erfahrung erfordern!


  • Und auch ausländische Ehemänner werden deportiert wenn sie sich nicht wissen wie sie sich mit der Frau umgehen müssen!

    Erinnert mich an ein paar noch- oder ex-Mitglieder, die ihre Dame auch behandeln wie ein Stück Schieße!


    The Bureau of Immigration (BI) said it has arrested an “undesirable” Australian who will be deported for abusing and maltreating his Filipina live-in partner and her child.

    Immigration Commissioner Norman Tansingco identified the alien as Peter David Maxwell, 66, who was arrested in Morong, Bataan last October 25 by joint operatives of the BI Intelligence Division and Fugitive Search Unit (FSU).

    Tansingco said Maxwell is now undergoing deportation proceedings before the BI Board of Commissioners as a result of the charge of undesirability that was filed against him by immigration prosecutors.

    The case reportedly stemmed from a complaint filed by Maxwell’s estranged wife who accused the Australian of beating and abusing her and her child.

    The complaint also alleged that Maxwell has been the object of numerous complaints by people in their neighborhood in Morong, for being a troublemaker and threatening to harm other people whenever he gets drunk.

    Tansingco said he issued a mission order to have the Australian arrested because “foreigners who harm Filipino women and children do not deserve the privilege to stay here and should be kicked out of the country.”

    He added that Maxwell’s tourist visa already expired in 2018 and his passport is no longer valid, thus making him an undocumented and overstaying who is subject to deportation.

    Meanwhile, the BI also announced the arrest in Cebu province of a Chinese fugitive wanted by authorities in Beijing for engaging in illegal business activities.

    Arrested by FSU operatives last November 2 was 51-year-old Xiao Peng, who was arrested in his residence at the Costa del Sol Subd., Bgy. Suba-Basbas, Lapu-Lapu City, Cebu.

    The Chinese government, which sought his arrest, said Xiao is subject of an arrest warrant issued by the Public Security Bureau in Jiangle County in Western Fujian province, China.

    He was reportedly accused of illegally manufacturing and selling machines that turns tobacco into cigarettes.

    Both Maxwell and Xiao will remain in the BI’s custody prior to the implementation of their deportation order.

    I am multi-talented!

    I can talk and p.iss people off at the same time!

    A pessimist is a man who thinks all women are bad.

    An optimist is a man who hopes they are.

    My mouth is not a bakery, I don't sugarcoat anything!

    If you ask my opinion,
    I am going to tell you the truth,
    Not that what you'd like to hear!

    Ein erfahrener Pilot ist,

    wer seine Erfahrung benutzt,

    um Situationen zu vermeiden,

    die seine Erfahrung erfordern!


  • Jetzt schlägt das BID wirklich auch bei Einreisen zu! Also benehmen bitte!


    PASAY, Philippines — Bureau of Immigration (BI) agents have barred the entry of a United States national after rude conduct, and inputting false and profane information in the eTravel System.

    BI Commissioner Norman Tansingco disclosed that the American, identified as Anthony Joseph Laurence, 34, arrived at the Ninoy Aquino International Airport (NAIA) Terminal 3 via an Air Asia flight from Bangkok, Thailand last Tuesday.

    "The passenger initially showed disdain towards the primary inspector after he was reminded to fill out the eTravel online form," said Tansingco.

    Laurence reportedly tossed his passport and his mobile phone angrily to the immigration officer upon returning.

    "After verifying in our system, the officer discovered that the passenger keyed in a made-up address in the Philippines, did not include his full name, and inputted profane words in his entry," he added.

    The eTravel System was designed to replace the paper-based arrival and departure cards to streamline and enhance immigration processes at international ports, and should be filled out at least 72 hours prior to arrival.

    Tansingco further expressed his dismay towards the incident, issuing a stern warning to uphold the integrity of the eTravel.

    "Such behavior is not only disrespectful but also undermines the efficiency of the system," the BI Chief said. "Our agency is committed to ensuring a seamless experience to the traveling public. We expect all individuals to conduct themselves with respect, and adhere to the established procedures. Any violation of these procedures will be dealt with firmly," he said.

    The BI Chief then explained that while immigration officers are advised to exercise maximum tolerance, the foreign national has "overstepped his boundaries."

    The American was returned to his port of origin and was placed in the blacklist, permanently banning him from re-entering the country.

    The BI has recorded excluding and blacklisting a total of 44 arriving foreign nationals who showed disrespect to symbols of Philippine authority.


    PASAY, Philippines - The Bureau of Immigration (BI) said it barred another American sex convict from entering the country via the Ninoy Aquino International Airport (NAIA).

    In a report to Immigration Commissioner Norman Tansingco, the BI’s Border Control and Enforcement United (BCIU) at the airport identified the passenger as Terry Lynn Spies, 60, who was intercepted last November 3 upon arriving aboard an Eva Air flight from Taiwan.

    Earlier, Tansingco issued an alert order to directing BI officers at the airports to prevent the entry of Spies if he is encountered, and immediately book him on the first available flight to his port of origin.

    BCIU Deputy Chief for Operations Joseph Cueto reported that Spies was already sent back to the US last November 4 via an Eva Air flight to Taipei enroute to the United States (US).

    Spies is only one of some 140 foreigners denied entry by the BI this year for his record of convictions on sex crimes. They were all turned back pursuant to a provision in the Philippine Immigration Act which expressly prohibits the entry into the country of aliens previously convicted of crimes involving moral turpitude.

    Citing information provided by the US Department of Homeland Security (DHS), the Interpol’s National Central Bureau (NCB) in Manila disclosed that in November 2012, a court in Texas convicted Spies for engaging in online solicitation of a minor.

    He allegedly enticed a 14-year-old girl to meet him for “indecent purposes via telecommunications” in violation of Texas’ penal code.

    Tansingco again warned foreign sex convicts to avoid traveling to the Philippines.

    “As gatekeepers of the country we are duty-bound as immigration officers to prevent the entry of aliens whose presence here poses a serious risk to our women and children,” the BI Chief stressed.

    I am multi-talented!

    I can talk and p.iss people off at the same time!

    A pessimist is a man who thinks all women are bad.

    An optimist is a man who hopes they are.

    My mouth is not a bakery, I don't sugarcoat anything!

    If you ask my opinion,
    I am going to tell you the truth,
    Not that what you'd like to hear!

    Ein erfahrener Pilot ist,

    wer seine Erfahrung benutzt,

    um Situationen zu vermeiden,

    die seine Erfahrung erfordern!


  • Wie blöde muss man sein?

    Demokratie ist, wenn zwei Wölfe und ein Schaf darüber abstimmen, was es zum Abendessen gibt. Rechtsstaat ist, wenn das Schaf das Abendessen überlebt.

  • Und diesmal hat es einen Britten erwischt!


    PASAY, Philippines - Bureau of Immigration (BI) officers at the Ninoy Aquino International Airport (NAIA) barred a British national from entering the country for being a sex offender who is wanted in Australia.

    Immigration Commissioner Norman Tansingco identified the Briton as 39-year-old David Ian John Bishop, who was intercepted at the NAIA Terminal 3 last November 8 when he arrived aboard a Cathay Pacific flight from Hong Kong.

    Tansingco said Bishop was denied entry after the immigration officer saw his name registered a positive hit in the BI’s database.

    The hit indicated that the passenger is subject of an Interpol notice alerting law enforcers worldwide about his record as a pedophile who is liable to commit sex crimes against children.

    Tansingco disclosed that Bishop is reportedly wanted in New South Wales, Australia where he was charged for sexual exploitation, prostitution and crimes against children.

    Authorities alleged that in 2017, the Briton engaged in online chat with another person wherein he invited the latter to join him in engaging in sexual activities with minors. Unknown to Bishop, the person he talked to later reported the matter to the police who then monitored and recorded their subsequent conversations.

    Their conversations were described as explicit and graphic, and the suspect was heard bragging that he was in a relationship with a 13-year-old Asian boy. He was arrested June 3, 2017 and admitted during interrogation that he owned the email address and phone number associated with the taped conversations.

    I am multi-talented!

    I can talk and p.iss people off at the same time!

    A pessimist is a man who thinks all women are bad.

    An optimist is a man who hopes they are.

    My mouth is not a bakery, I don't sugarcoat anything!

    If you ask my opinion,
    I am going to tell you the truth,
    Not that what you'd like to hear!

    Ein erfahrener Pilot ist,

    wer seine Erfahrung benutzt,

    um Situationen zu vermeiden,

    die seine Erfahrung erfordern!


  • Die Angelegenheit hat sich inzwischen erledigt... der Mann ist tot.

    Es wird z.Z. als Motorradunfall gehandelt, aber Fotos lassen Zweifel aufkommen. Ich habe mich jedoch dagegen entschieden, hier Bilder vom Geschehen einzustellen, obwohl er ja als lokale Größe auf der Insel Sibuyan ein Mann von öffentlichem Interesse war und ihn sicher einige hier kannten. Ich habe aber keine Lust, mit Bildern eines Toten, die mir "freundlicherweise" zugeschickt worden sind, hier in ein Kreuzfeuer zu geraten. Einzelheiten daher erst einmal nur über PN.

  • Als kleiner Hinweis fuer die Sextouristen:

    20 November 2023


    PASAY, Philippines - The Bureau of Immigration (BI) said its officers at the Ninoy Aquino International Airport (NAIA) intercepted a blacklisted American who attempted to re-enter the country.

    Immigration Commissioner Norman Tansingco said 40-year-old Jared Allen Kasper was denied entry on Saturday, at the NAIA terminal 1 after he arrived aboard a Philippine Airlines flight from Los Angeles, California.

    Tansingco said he signed the order putting Kasper in the BI blacklist last October 25, after the Bureau received a complaint from three of his female victims who accused the American of sexually abusing and exploiting them.

    The complainants alleged that there were at least 20 Filipino women who were victimized by him but only the three of them filed a formal complaint,” the BI Chief said.

    The women narrated how they met Kasper via an online dating app, and that he promised to marry each of them if they would sleep with him. They also narrated how Kasper, after having intercourse with them, would forcibly take pictures of them in the nude, claiming he needs to keep them as souvenirs. Worse, the complainants said some of Kasper’s victims were impregnated but they were all abandoned and disowned by the American.

    BI records show that Kasper last arrived in the country last July 21 and departed on August 3. He returned last Saturday, unaware that he was already banned from entering the country for being an undesirable alien.

    Meanwhile, the BI’s Border Control and Intelligence Unit (BCIU) reported the interception of an American, who was blacklisted by the Bureau three years ago for being a registered sex offender.

    The 68-year-old William Calloway Shaw was denied entry at the Mactan-Cebu International Airport last November 13, when he arrived aboard a Korean Airlines flight from Incheon.

    Shaw was previously denied entry in 2020 based on information obtained from the US Embassy that he is a convicted sex offender in the US.

    In 2007, in the state of Washington, he pled guilty to one count of third degree assault and two counts of communicating with a minor for immoral purposes.

    I am multi-talented!

    I can talk and p.iss people off at the same time!

    A pessimist is a man who thinks all women are bad.

    An optimist is a man who hopes they are.

    My mouth is not a bakery, I don't sugarcoat anything!

    If you ask my opinion,
    I am going to tell you the truth,
    Not that what you'd like to hear!

    Ein erfahrener Pilot ist,

    wer seine Erfahrung benutzt,

    um Situationen zu vermeiden,

    die seine Erfahrung erfordern!


  • Als kleiner Hinweis fuer die Sextouristen:

    Das solltest du in einem amerikanischen Forum posten, in Deutschland ( CH, A ?? ) gibt es keine offiziell gelisteten Sextäter.

    Wer auf den PH schon blackgelistet ist, egal aus welchem Grund, weiss das sowieso bei der versuchten Einreise.

  • Das solltest du in einem amerikanischen Forum posten,

    in Deutschland ( CH, A ?? ) gibt es keine offiziell gelisteten Sextäter.

    Jetzt haette ich fast den Abendkaffee gegen den Laptop-Screen gesprudelt!!!! :Rolf:Rolf

    Hier kann man sich up to date halten - wer davon ein Sex-Offender ist und wer nicht kann man sich selbst raussuchen:

    Aber in DACH gibt es sowas natuerlich nicht, denn der deutsche Michel ist ja brav und anstaendig beim Feuerwehrfest, di ba... :D

    Abgesehen davon geht es hier um die Philippinen und nicht um Buxdehude-Kaffhausen irgendwo im Harz.

    Entschuldige bitte....................

    Sollte man sowas nicht zum Wohle der Allgemeinheit posten??

    Meditieren ist immernoch besser als rumsitzen und nichts tun