Flüge von und nach den Philippinen / Coronavirus

  • Bei mir ist es dann auch kein Urlaub.

    Wann fliegst du denn? Wir wollten von Mitte Juli bis Mitte August 2020 nach Düsseldorf und dann ein paar Tage nach Ulm. Glaubst du, dass wir in Quarantäne geschickt werden, weil wir aus Asien kommen?

    ich will um oder nach dem 15. Juni idealerweise nach Hamburg.

    Ich GLAUBE nicht dass man bei Euren Abflugterminen dann noch in Quarantaene geschickt wird wenn man aus Asien kommt. Aber es WEISS heute niemand mit Sicherheit was dann sein wird.

    LG Carabao

  • Hallo!

    Das Ebola Fiber in Afrika, betraf nur 3Länder. Aber dies zu bekämpfen, dauerte 2,5Jahren. Asiana und andere Airlines

    fliegen wieder Frankfurt an. Auch wenn Airlines, wieder täglich Deutschland bedienen. Bedeudet doch in keinster

    Weise, dass dieses Virus schon besiegt wäre. Ebola 3Länder 2,5Jahre mit Gegenmittel. Corona ohne Gegenmittel,

    weltweit wieviel Jahre? Bestimmt länger als 24Mon. Alles andere grenzte an ein Wunder. Erst einmal haben Airlines,

    ein ganz anderes Proplem. Vor allem Lufthansa, denn es müssen ja noch 40000Urlauber nach Hause gebracht werden.


  • Das Ebola Fiber in Afrika, betraf nur 3Länder. Aber dies zu bekämpfen, dauerte 2,5Jahren. ...
    Erst einmal haben Airlines, ein ganz anderes Proplem. Vor allem Lufthansa, denn es müssen ja noch 40000Urlauber nach Hause gebracht werden.

    Lieber Powerranger-Rempi,

    im Thema "Flüge von und nach Philippinen /Coronavirus" gehe ich nicht davon aus, dass noch 40,000 Urlauber "von und nach den Philippinen" in Zeiten des "Coronavirus" unterwegs sind.

    Da hast Du Dich wohl etwas verschätzt. :D

    Ach ja, Ebola ist ebenso eine ganz andere Geschichte.

    Gute Nacht




  • Man kann sich natuerlich auch bei einem Flug infizieren wenn man Pech hat, aber Fluege an sich waren bisher nicht als besonderer Hort von Infektionsclustern bekannt.

    Ist ziemlich schwer denn da muss Dich Jemand direkt anniesen oder anhusten ansonsten ist die Luft im Flieger alle 2 Minuten erneuert und gefiltert mit HEPA Filter!

    Es gibt viele Menschen die beruflich irgendwann wieder fliegen muessen (hin und zurueck),

    Zum Bleistift ich! Ich sitze hier und fahre ab und zu rum um ein paar Dinge hier zu erledigen aber unser Geschaeft ist eben die Luftfahrt und da muss man rumreisen!

    Auch deswegen denke ich nicht, dass Quarantaenevorschriften lange aufrecht erhalten bleiben.

    Das wird der grösste Mist sein!

    Ob die dann aber wirklich statt finden ist die zweite Frage!

    Ich jedenfalls hoffe es für den Juni!


    Alle Airlines brauchen z.Zt. Cash Flow. Deswegen die guten Preise!

    Ich hoffe es, aber werde mich vorher natürlich schlau machen und erst buchen wenn das klar ist.

    Nur nicht zu früh buchen aber die Preise werden dann täglich anziehen!

    Asiana und andere Airlines

    fliegen wieder Frankfurt an.

    Fliegen immer noch!

    I am multi-talented!

    I can talk and p.iss people off at the same time!

    A pessimist is a man who thinks all women are bad.

    An optimist is a man who hopes they are.

    My mouth is not a bakery, I don't sugarcoat anything!

    If you ask my opinion,
    I am going to tell you the truth,
    Not that what you'd like to hear!

    Ein erfahrener Pilot ist,

    wer seine Erfahrung benutzt,

    um Situationen zu vermeiden,

    die seine Erfahrung erfordern!


  • Hallo!

    Stimmt nicht ganz, Asiana hatte vorherige Woche. Flüge oz 561+ OZ562 füe einige Tage nicht bedient. Aber jetzt

    wieder, aber wie lange? Denn anscheinend, sind angeblich wieder geheilte infiziert worden. Das bedeudet, ohne

    Gegenmittel und ohne Medikament. Wird man diesen Virus, nicht besiegen können. Jetzt schon von lockerungen

    zu sprechen, wäre viel zu verfrüht. Es sei denn Regierung und Wirtschaft, haben einen deal.


  • Was bitte erwartest Du ? ... dass man alles ruiniert ? ... Natürlich wird man locker lassen, natürlich gibt es einen "Deal", zwischen den verantwortlichen Parteien, also Regierung und Wirtschaft.

    Wäre das nicht so, und man würde eine Partei walten lassen, würde entweder ein Multiple sterben, oder Du würdest schnell ohne € dastehen. Eine Gratwanderung, aber dafür hat man ja Verantwortliche. Wenn man sie denn hat ?

    Besonders im angelsächsischen Raum gibt es ja genug Trauergestalten ;(... da sieht man ja wo Dummheit und Selbstdarstellung hinführt ... :tease

    LG Alf

    - Habe stets Respekt vor dir selbst, Respekt vor anderen und übernimm Verantwortung für deine Taten. - Dalai Lama

    - Meine Philippinenbilder

  • Hallo Alfi!

    Erst einmal, einen schönen guten Morgen. Gebe ich Dir recht Politiker, sind in meinen Augen auch nur marionetten.

    Politik wird von andere Stelle gemacht, aber nicht von unseren Politiker. Mehr möchte ich dazu sagen, ist nicht nur

    meine Meinung. Hoffe dass bald die grenze wieder offen sind, brauche wieder Kaffee von Luxemburg.


  • I am multi-talented!

    I can talk and p.iss people off at the same time!

    A pessimist is a man who thinks all women are bad.

    An optimist is a man who hopes they are.

    My mouth is not a bakery, I don't sugarcoat anything!

    If you ask my opinion,
    I am going to tell you the truth,
    Not that what you'd like to hear!

    Ein erfahrener Pilot ist,

    wer seine Erfahrung benutzt,

    um Situationen zu vermeiden,

    die seine Erfahrung erfordern!


  • Wo bitte habe ich gesagt, daß Politiker Marionetten sind ? :sonicht

    Und Kaffee kannst Du auch jetzt schon kaufen ... L Grenze wird höchstens von D-Grenzern kontrolliert ... aber wozu diese Umstände ? ... es gibt nirgends wo so billige Lebensmittel als in D ... :haha

    Außerdem geht es hier um Flüge ... :happy

    LG Alf

    - Habe stets Respekt vor dir selbst, Respekt vor anderen und übernimm Verantwortung für deine Taten. - Dalai Lama

    - Meine Philippinenbilder

  • Also, es geht ja um Flüge hier und deshalb eine Frage in die Runde : Was denkt ihr passiert mit den Ticketpreisen falls in absehbarer Zukunft mal wieder, unter "normalen" Umständen, geflogen werden kann? Werden Tickets viel teurer oder müssen die Airlines etwas günstiger wieder anfangen? Ich meine natürlich Flüge nach SOA und nicht zum Ballermann.. Also etwas pokern und jetzt schon buchen für Oktober?

  • Hallo Alfi!

    Ich sagte das, ist aber auch nicht nur meine meinung. ja hier geht es um Flüge, während Corona alles weltweit

    umklammert. Und bisher nicht locker lässt, Prognose WHO nennt Spätsommer für Medikamenten und Gegen-

    mittel. Aber alle die Vorerkrankungen und gefährtetes Risiko sind. Werden vorläufig, weder an Flüge noch an

    Urlaub Denken.


  • Mal wieder ein Update an einigen neuen Reisebestimmungen:

    Canada (CZZZ)

    There has been a 30-day restriction in place since Mar 21 which stipulates that foreign nationals arriving from the US without symptoms will be only allowed to enter Canada for essential travel. There’s a blanket ban on foreign nationals arriving from everywhere else in the world, except for family members of Canadian citizens or permanent residents (plus a few other exempted categories).

    USA (KZZZ)

    The NBAA have spoken with the FAA today, Apr 8, about the importance of providing immediate regulatory relief for GA operators facing impending (or past) deadlines. They are reporting that an FAA team is now working to create an SFAR to address this, although don’t expect anything to be issued this week. The FAA has already issued exemptions for certain Part 135 training requirements, as well as an exemption allowing pilots to continue to fly if their medical certificate expires between March 31 and June 30.

    Singapore (WSZZ)

    From Apr 10, all Singapore Citizens, Permanent Residents and Long Term Pass holders entering Singapore from anywhere in the world will be required to serve a 14-day quarantine in a hotel room or similar accommodation provided by the Singapore government. No leaving the room, and the 14 day period cannot be reduced, even if you wish to leave Singapore. Foreign flight crew that require a layover due to flight time limitations may stay in the Crown Plaza at WSSS/Singapore airport.

    United Arab Emirates (OMZZ)

    The UAE has extended the ban on pax flights until further notice. The following flights are allowed: emergency diverts, tech-stops where pax do not disembark, evacuation/repatriation flights, overflights, and cargo flights (except from Hubei or Iran). For evac/repat flights, they’re complaining that operators have not all been properly following the rules about the requirement to upload pax data to the online system 24hrs in advance. Check out the attached docs for more info about how to do that.

     Hong Kong, Hong Kong (VHHH)

    The Hong Kong authorities have implemented more stringent health checks on inbound crew and pax. There’s a health check at the airport, then everyone gets shuttled over to the AWE Exhibition Centre next to the airport to give saliva samples. HKBAC say the whole process takes 3-4 hours. Afterwards, everyone has to go to their accommodation for the compulsory quarantine as soon as possible by their own means.

    Bratislava, Slovakia (LZIB)

    The airport was supposed to be closing down for runway repairs from April 21 until May 1, but that work has now been postponed to 2021 - we’re guessing they’re staying open so that cargo and repatriation flights can still get in. Since Mar 13, entry to Slovakia is permitted only for Slovak citizens and foreign residents; and as of Apr 6, all those coming to Slovakia from abroad must pre-register with the Slovak authorities and on arrival enter mandatory quarantine in a government facility.

    USA (KZZZ)

    You may have heard a rumour flying around about an imminent US airspace shutdown due to the coronavirus - not true! That’s according to the NBAA, after discussion with the FAA earlier this week. Some airport towers have been temporarily closed for disinfection over the past few weeks, but there are no mass airspace closures planned at this time. Read more about that — plus the plans for regulatory relief for Part 91 and 125 operators — in the link attached.


    Philippines update:

    • Philippines


      International restrictions: Issuance of visas and visa-free entry services for all foreign travellers has been suspended since 19 March. Previously issued visas to foreign travellers have been cancelled. Visas that have been issued to foreign spouses and children of Filipino nationals, as well as Foreign Government and International Organisation officials, remain valid. Foreign nationals will be temporarily barred from entering the Philippines from 22 March. This includes foreign nationals under Visa Waiver Agreements, Special Visas, Executive Order No. 408, holders of Hong Kong (SAR), Macao (SAR) and British National Overseas passports and Immigrant and Non-immigrant visas. Exemptions will be granted to overseas Filipino workers, Philippine passport holders and foreign spouses of Filipino citizens, as well as foreign crew members. Foreign travellers with travel/transit history to mainland China, Hong Kong (SAR), Macao (SAR), North Gyeongsang Province (South Korea) in the past 14 days will be barred entry. Foreign travellers who have travel/transit history to Iran or Italy in the past 14 days will be required to present medical documentation validated by their respective embassies. Citizens and residents with such travel history are exempt from the above restrictions but will be subject to 14-day quarantine. Luzon Island, where the capital region Metro Manila is located, is under enhanced community quarantine until at least 12 April. Also, Cebu province will be placed under enhanced community quarantine starting 12. 00 on 28 March. The implications of this are: Restricted air, land and maritime movement, except for cargo. Domestic flights in Luzon and Cebu have been suspended. Inbound flights throughout the quarantine period will be limited for the repatriation of Filipino nationals from overseas. Ports will continue to be open to cargo ships, no embarkation and disembarkation of crew will be allowed. All travellers from countries with COVID-19 local transmissions are barred from entry, except Filipino citizens and their families (including foreign spouses), permanent residents, and those with diplomatic visas. They will be subject to quarantine measures depending on their travel history. The Department of Transportation has advised that all persons, regardless of nationality except for Filipino tourists, may now fly out of the country at any time. Inbound international travellers are allowed entry subject to strict immigration and quarantine protocols. Only one person is allowed to transport passengers to the airport and the driver must carry with them a copy of the passengers’ airline ticket. On 26 March, the authorities banned Filipino overseas foreign workers from travelling to Hong Kong, following the lifting of earlier restrictions on such travel. The Department of Tourism has created a Tourism Airport Team that provides a 24-hour service to stranded tourists at airports. Travellers may contact the Department of Tourism or the regional government for further information. Internal restrictions: From 19 March, all travellers are not allowed to enter Davao Region, till at least 26 March. Residents may go out, but are not allowed to return until after 14 days. Residents may leave the region prior to the closure but may be denied entry once the borders are closed. This regional lockdown prevails the previous ‘community quarantine’, a form of localized lockdowns within the region. An enhanced community quarantine has been implemented in Davao City and Davao region. In Davao City, daily curfew timing will be adjusted to 18. 00-06. 00 from 7 April. Residents can only leave the house with a Food and Medicine (FM) pass. In Davao region, a daily curfew has been imposed between 21. 00 and 05. 00 since 4 April. Work from home is being enforced except for those in essential services. Hotels and other hospitality businesses may only operate during the lockdown if: They have guests who booked their stay on or before 17 March. They have guests who have existing long-term leases. They are housing employees of establishments exempted from the lockdown. Home quarantine is enforced on Luzon Island. People can only leave their homes to buy basic necessities like food and medicine. The curfew remains in place over Metro Manila from 20. 00 to 05. 00 until 14 April. Several other cities have also implemented curfews. Curfew exemptions will be granted to those involved in providing basic necessities, food preparation and delivery services, energy and telecommunications, as well as healthcare workers, water refilling workers, financial services workers, media personnel, and people transiting to and from work, with necessary identification and certificate of employment. Mass public transportation as well as taxis and ride-hailing services are suspended during the quarantine All mass gatherings are banned. Those with private cars are only allowed to drive for essential purposes such as purchasing essential goods and accessing healthcare services. Private organisations allowed to operate are only those related to food and medicine production and distribution as well as health services. Banks, money transfer services, utilities, telcos, and outsourcing and export firms are also exempt. Security posture will be heightened to enforce quarantine. At least 82 different localities have imposed differing restrictions and quarantine measures. For further details, please refer to our Philippines country alerts.

    I am multi-talented!

    I can talk and p.iss people off at the same time!

    A pessimist is a man who thinks all women are bad.

    An optimist is a man who hopes they are.

    My mouth is not a bakery, I don't sugarcoat anything!

    If you ask my opinion,
    I am going to tell you the truth,
    Not that what you'd like to hear!

    Ein erfahrener Pilot ist,

    wer seine Erfahrung benutzt,

    um Situationen zu vermeiden,

    die seine Erfahrung erfordern!


  • PAL hat mal wieder einen kleinen Update gemacht:

    Philippine Airlines this week updated planned International service for the month of May 2020, upon service resumption on 01MAY20. The airline previously suspended all scheduled service until 14APR20, however this has been extended to 30APR20 earlier this week.

    Planned May 2020 operations as of 0250GMT 10APR20 as follows. Additional changes remain possible in the next few weeks.

    Cebu – Bangkok 3 weekly A321

    Cebu – Los Angeles
    3 weekly 777-300ER (Planned service resumption on 02MAY20 remains unchanged for the moment)

    Cebu – Nagoya 3 weekly A321

    Cebu – Osaka Kansai 4 weekly A321

    Cebu – Seoul Incheon 1 daily A321

    Cebu – Tokyo Narita 1 daily A321

    Clark – Seoul Incheon 4 weekly A320

    Manila – Bangkok
    10 weekly A320/321/330

    Manila – Beijing Capital 3 weekly A321

    Manila – Brisbane 3 weekly A321

    Manila – Busan 1 daily A321/A330

    Manila – Dammam 3 weekly A330

    Manila – Denpasar
    4 weekly A321

    Manila – Fukuoka 4 weekly A321

    Manila – Guam 3 weekly A321

    Manila – Guangzhou 4 weekly A321

    Manila – Hanoi 3 weekly A321

    Manila – Ho Chi Minh City 8 weekly A321

    ManilaHong Kong 1 daily A330/350

    Manila – Honolulu 3 weekly A330-300

    Manila – Jakarta 10 weekly A321 (Resumes 02MAY20)

    Manila – Kuala Lumpur 6 weekly A321

    Manila – London Heathrow 3 weekly A350-900XWB

    Manila – Los Angeles 1 daily 777-300ER

    Manila – Macau 5 weekly A321

    Manila – Nagoya 4 weekly A321

    Manila – Osaka Kansai 1 daily A321

    Manila Phnom Penh 3 weekly A321

    Manila – Quanzhou 4 weekly A321

    Manila – Riyadh 1 daily A330-300

    Manila – San Francisco 5 weekly 777-300ER

    ManilaSeoul Incheon 2 daily A321/330

    Manila – Shanghai Pu Dong 4 weekly A330-300

    Manila – Singapore 3 daily A321

    Manila – Sydney 3 weekly A330-300

    Manila – Taipei Taoyuan 4 weekly A321

    Manila – Tokyo Haneda 1 daily A321

    Manila – Tokyo Narita 1 daily A321/330

    Manila – Toronto 3 weekly A350-900XWB

    Manila Vancouver 4 weekly 777-300ER

    Manila – Xiamen 4 weekly A321

    I am multi-talented!

    I can talk and p.iss people off at the same time!

    A pessimist is a man who thinks all women are bad.

    An optimist is a man who hopes they are.

    My mouth is not a bakery, I don't sugarcoat anything!

    If you ask my opinion,
    I am going to tell you the truth,
    Not that what you'd like to hear!

    Ein erfahrener Pilot ist,

    wer seine Erfahrung benutzt,

    um Situationen zu vermeiden,

    die seine Erfahrung erfordern!
